And Now For Something Completely Different...
I haven't written in this blog for probably well over a year and a half and not for lack of things to say. It seems to me that, though I love poetry and could now create a vary viable collection of criticism on Wallace Stevens, I need to do more than just criticism to keep me writing. I need a place to openly field ideas. Perhaps a place to talk about what I am currently working on or reading or whatever.
So why not this blog? Why stick to one thing? I began thinking that the life of an academic was creating a body of work that could speak for you. Something along the lines of "so and so's reading of One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest shows their natural talent for close reading and attention to America's post colonial discourse". Yet after spending some time in a graduate program, and observing one of my professors who is often on social media, I have come to the conclusion its more about the conversation and less about the speech.
So what does this mean for this blog? Well, it means several things. First I will be more regularly posting my ideas on not just literature, but the state of education, the state of the world, and the state of my state. Secondly I may start using this as a grounds to air ideas about what I am currently working on--this means its gonna get sloppy--and what is currently on my mind. Thirdly, I will still analyze literature and put up some critical ideas on poetry, but this may be the back burner.
Hopefully changing my ideas about what this blog is all about will get me writing again. If anyone is reading this then thank you, feel free to comment whether positive or negative, and stay classy.